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Corona Testing Facility

REENTRY is a family and community REUNIFICATION process

Black people who are not immigrants are four times as likely per their total demographic population to be incarcerated for the same or similar violations of law or ordinances as others. 


This means more Black families, children, caregivers often elder grandparents and their communities are impacted more often than others by incarcerations in the US.  Incarceration is more than punishment for individuals it impacts people in the community who are their support systems are interwind in the legal system as well bearing financial and emotion burden while surviving incarceration.


Coordinated reentry processes is essential to reducing the stressors related to avoiding recidivism.  Getting the person the resources they need to adjust also keeps the family  unit where they return more stable during their transition from jails and prisons back into the community. 


We assist with that process for formerly incarcerated adults, juveniles and their support systems of families and loved ones. 


SUCCESSFUL REENTRY happens when individuals puts in more positive time and DISTANCE BETWEEN THEM and THIER PAST. 

When you decide you are willing to invest in yourself to create a better and different future to change your predictive outcome you win life rewards.  We help you get there we provide: Essential personal assessment of your life desires and needs and expectations and help you make a plan of what is  require to achieve personal stabilization going forward after a release. Which may include a education, job training, apprentice opportunity, personal investment in self development, trauma, fear and emotional development, eating and dealing with drinking or drug entertainment habit controls and triggers and what to do to address or avoid the repercussion of participation addressing behavioral, physical, social and emotional health needs and sometimes it requires shifting their environments. 

Housing safety during reentry- Sometimes family dynamics have changed and family housing during reentry may not be the best solution for people who have relationship bonds broken, active addiction problems prior to incarceration and they often need to work on themselves without the stressors of family life expectations while in transitions, some are under court program restrictions and they are not able to mange both simultaneously because of the extra demands of time they need to give to both with those stages we offer the following.   Reentry beds for persons who need to work and concentrate on supervision and they are sponsored or working and saving to get their own space for one to four months, reentry program beds for court and facility reentry programs stays up to 14 months and also reprieve beds as temporary stays for emergency stabilizations when the person or the family needs a break from each other while they work on the relationship and bonding this allows a person a three day minimum stay and up to 21 day stays when they are trying to blend and re-bond with their family and transitional housing for those who have been out for over one year something happen to their housing they are working and they need longer term housing on their own and they want to rent a room and home share when their former home life with family has just not work out.  The choice is here to support their reentry. State and private providers available to help with housing. Need more information


If you want a roadmap to reentry success listen and learn from people who have walked that path before. We provide services to individuals released to DeKalb, Fulton and Rockdale and abutted counties.

Contact us about our reentry program with supports.


DeKalb, Rockdale, Fulton
Family Reentry ReUnification 
Are you?

Faith congregation
Community providers/Business
Trained individual professionals seeking to work where your heart is?
Volunteer or learned individual who closed the door on your past?
or Community Nonprofit?
Work with us and Partner for us.

Many hands makes a heavy load light my grandmother would say.
We welcome you contact, join and partner with us

Reentry ReUnification Centers

Are reentry incubators who provides the individual and the families they are returning to a centralized place to get the supports they need. This helps the individual better transition. We believe families and their children need assistance dealing with life altering transitions when they are initially faced with charges and incarceration risks prior to a trial, plea or conviction.  We focus on providing pre, current and post incarceration supports and with a specific emphasis on providing healing in our transitional supports for reentry and reunifications with families after incarceration. 

The Reentry Family ReUnification Centers(c) identifies a specific place in the community where family, children and caregivers can call or come during specific times to get coordinated supports from their choice of community providers.

The people we serve can be family members, caregivers or the person released to a family or loved one after serving time in a jail or prison, residing in a transition center, or living alone in their own space within one of our selected community. We invite them to call and come to connect to one of our services, case managers and an array of community based services from other providers in the community who are available to assist them with their specific needs.  


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