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Can various groups in the faith community especially white faith congregants be of one body discerning what is right pushing for Americans and the government to began taking action which makes atonement for slavery to begin the healing of this nation, centered in alignment supporting the creators plan for descendants of enslaved people, bringing dignity through the payments of reparations?
What are faith congregations moral responsibility when it comes to helping right a wrong, in this case providing redress for how the people who were enslaved were treated, how they were dehumanized, how they were raped and murdered and mamed how they were targeted for harms, re enslavement through laws for jailing them and how barriers were created to impose a negative social and economic impact on descendants of people who were enslaved?
Can faith congregations push the government to accept responsibility and get saved from the end time punishment because they worked in unison to atone for harm done by their ancestors and the governments hand in creating legislation protecting, enforcing and supporting slavery which had a negative impact on the people enslaved and their descendants?
Is it time for America to heal the racial injustices cultural divides and economic strife due to their hate operating in support of slavery and denial of a nation of peoples humanity?
Faith congregants both white and black are beginning to align with grass root descendant of slaves organization groups and taking the moral high ground speaking out to the US government in support of their sisters and brothers of the faith community who are descendants of slaves in the US who would receive reparations redress and compensatory payments.
The Next Story we want told is our-story a collective story American people of faith descendants of the ancestors of the past, did not erase the harm done but told the truth about slavery.
We are choosing our future stories of American history as it unfolds today.
Will it be told of how faith communities came together and choose to lead in moral actions to begin the healing of America and Americans through atonement and racial conciliatory actions to close the wounds still oozing from slavery, or will it be told of how we left it in the laps of our children to deal with the anger from pain, the ego, the shame and more of the same in their futures?
We really love to connect with you if you have questions/suggestions/want to volunteer, donate or sponsor one of our programs or projects.
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